304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Plastic Injection Moulding

Let us show you applications of Plastic Injection Moulding
Plastic injection moulding is used in a variety of industries, including automotive, medical, consumer goods and electronics. Common applications include:
1. Automotive Parts: Dashboards, door panels, airbags, bumpers and other parts.
2. Medical Devices: Syringes, catheters, surgical instruments and other medical devices.
3. Consumer Goods: Toys, kitchenware, sporting goods and other consumer products.
4. Electronics: Computer components, mobile phone cases and other electronic parts.



Let us show you the Process of Plastic Injection Moulding
The process of plastic injection moulding involves the following steps:
1. The mould is first heated to the desired temperature.
2. The plastic material is then injected into the heated mould at high pressure.
3. The plastic material is allowed to cool and harden in the mould.
4. The part is then ejected from the mould.